The Decade of Ocean Science is being triggering both ocean knowledge and an increased problem-solving approach through new sustainable science-based solutions. This can promote a favorable domino effect to reduce human pressure over oceans while working for marine preservation and ecosystem restoration. The Monaco Ocean Protection Challenge aims of putting in the spotlight the best business solutions proposed by the new generations to take the action in short or middle term. The 6th edition, organised in partnership with the International University of Monaco (IUM), the Oceanographic Institute - Prince Albert I of Monaco Foundation, the Monaco Impact association and the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation (PA2F), was quite inspiring in terms of benchmarking and new ideas. On the 9th June 2023, the three winner were awarded by H.S.H. Prince Albert II of Monaco, in the presence of Hervé Berville, Secretary of State for the Sea within the French Republic.

« I would like to thank them (all participants) not only for their efforts, their energy, their talent that they deployed to get this far, but even more their commitment to our global ocean [...] They will always be welcome here in the Principality of Monaco, which have been bringing together for decades all good intentions, energies and talents that wish to engage in the protection of the oceans », H.S.H. Prince Albert II of Monaco.
A hundred students and emerging entrepreneurs attended the 2023 edition representing about twenty-three different countries and twenty international universities and business schools. The core mission was to give birth to concrete and measurable actions prone to encourage a positive attitude towards ocean management. In particular, for about three months (from mid-January until the end of April 2023), they have been asked to forge a targeted business plan to improve relationship between human needs to exploit marine resources and biodiversity safeguarding. The finalists (note: six out of a total of 47 projects) were invited to present the outcome through a pitching session where to introduce and support their blue-economy model in front of the Technical Jury.
The winners for this Season are:

Students Category
>> Bloom (Babson College, United States): initiative for cleaning and converting algal blooms into biomass pellets.
🐟Added Value: making harmful biomass concentrations harmless for living beings.
🏅Prize: A discovery trip to the Arctic for two people, worth €8,000, offered by Nansen Polar Expeditions.

Start-ups Category
>> Pronoe (France): high-quality carbon removal to get a Net-Zero certificate through an innovative alkaline flow production and control, under the umbrella of SDGs (UN Sustainable Development Goals).
🐟Added Value: fostering carbon dioxide sequestration by restoring oceans' natural ability to absorb and keep CO2 from the air, while reducing the risk of ocean acidification.
🏅Prize: 1. €5,000 check offered by Monaco Impact and 2. mentoring program worth €7,000 offered by White Castle Partners.

Coup de Cœur Special Award
>> Flexisea (MINES Paris - PSL, International University of Monaco, and Universitatea Politehnica of Bucureșt): submarine robotic arm offering a precise solution for handling tasks and reducing harm to marine species.
🐟Added Value: ensuring maximum operational accuracy in full respect of the underwater ecosystem.
🏅Prize: €3,000 check offered by CFM Indosuez Wealth Management.

The Monaco Ocean Protection Challenge wanted one again to make a significant contribution to build a new consciousness of the Blue Planet enhancing knowledge and talent.***
To know more about the Monaco Ocean Protection Challenge please visit: Monaco-OPC

By Maurice Abbati
Springer International Publishing
