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COP16 Colombia identifies Reconnecting with Nature as the only viable path.

Writer's picture: M AbtiM Abti

Updated: Oct 27, 2024

Biodiversity loss is perhaps one of the most important environmental problems we have to face. And human beings have a great responsibility in accelerating this process, which has direct consequences on food safety and health conditions of all living beings. On the 21st October 2024, the 16th Conference of the Parties (COP16) to the UN Convention on Biological Diversity kicked off in Cali, Colombia, with the aim of producing a more effective result than previous editions. This summit, held until the November the 1st, comes directly from the international treaty that was adopted in 1992 and ratified by 196 Countries, including most of the United Nations members. Air, water and soil pollution as well as the direct exploitation of natural resources without respecting the natural regeneration times are among the main anthropogenic causes while nature disasters (e.g.: fires, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, floods, etc.) are rarer, although extreme weather events are increasing due to climate change.

Susana Muhamad Gonzalez, Colombian Minister of the Environment and Sustainable Development and President of COP16, pointed out the importance to transform our relationship with Nature by redefining human production and consumption policies through collective action to support Sustainability. The Colombian Government shares the same values to promote the "Peace with Nature" and it is strongly committed to enhance the local and global Natural Capital.

Photo >> Susana Muhamad Gonzalez, President of COP16, giving a symbolic peace sign to Huang Runqiu, China's Minister of Ecology and Environment during the opening plenary of the 16th United Nations Biodiversity Summit - COP16 (Yumbo, Colombia October 21st, 2024) © COP16

In the footsteps of the Kumming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF) considered as a key achievement within the COP15, the current mission is to put into practice a concrete plan to preserve and restore Nature. It is an ambitious but urgent goal, based on the latest statistics. Species in the wild have been reduced by an average of 73% over the last fifty years, according to the Living Planet Report 2024, WWF’s biennial report offering a comprehensive study on global biodiversity trends and the state of planet's health.

The involvement of the global community, and not only policy makers, is considered as a win-win modus operandi. In her keynote speech, Susana Muhamad Gonzalez reaffirmed the need to gather every sector of society in pursuing common multilateral goals, notably decarbonisation, energy transition, and safety for human and other living communities. Not by chance, this year's edition tackles diplomacy and geopolicy to encourage the mutual understanding of different cultures and economic/social contexts. The President of COP16 stressed: "We must keep the promises made, (...) not just in terms of financing". Trust, eco-responsibility, clarity and openess are pillars of the ongoing negotiations which starts from the bottom to reach the top in order to offer solutions to answer the question: "How can we restore power to Nature?".

Photo >> Keynote speech by Susana Muhamad Gonzalez, President of COP16, opening plenary of the United Nations Biodiversity Summit - COP16 (Yumbo, Colombia October 21st, 2024) © COP16

Last but not least, COP16 Colombia is focused on financing with the aim to find safe and efficient economic tools to create fair accounting and control mechanisms fostering solidarity while raising awareness on the importance of Biodiversity conservation.

Susana Muhamad Gonzalez concluded: "The Planet doesn't have time to lose".

The 16th Conference of the Parties (COP16) to the UN Convention on Biological Diversity is playing a crucial role in making specifically applicable the so-called 30x30: to protect 30 percent of the planet’s surface (including oceans) by 2030 and restore 30 percent of damaged ecosystems. The ambitious target, in fact, was endorsed by a limited number of Countries, still generating conflicting opinions between rich and poor regions. ***

To know more about the 16th Conference of the Parties to the UN Convention on Biological Diversity please visit: COP16 Colombia

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By Maurice Abbati

Cover page of PhD manual by Maurice Abbati


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