Monaco has just given birth to a new born. On December the 5th, Pierre Dartout officially launched the new mobile App Your Monaco - la nouvelle application qui facilite le quotidien à Monaco (the new application that facilitates daily life in Monaco). The device was designed within Extended Monaco, the digital transformation agenda promoted and financed by te Gouvernement Princier. The Prince's Government's will to develop 'digital' in all its forms was reinforced by the attendance of Céline Caron- Dagioni, Advisor-Minister of the Department of Equipment, Environment and Urban Planning; Isabelle Berro-Amadei, Advisor-Minister of External Relations and Cooperation; Patrice Cellario, Advisor-Minister of the Interior and Frédéric Genta, Interdepartmental Delegate for Attractiveness and Digital Transition.
H.E. Pierre Dartout highlighted: « With this solution, the State offers a new service to residents and assets. Digital technology plays its full role as a facilitator of access to the city’s information and resources. It is therefore a new generation of public services that meets the current needs of the population ». Monsieur Genta pointed out: «Your Monaco makes the Monaco's factor easily accessible, being conceived as a tool of attractiveness and development. In addition, the interdepartmental and collaborative approach that underpins the project is a way forward ».

The complimentary App for Smartphones, in fact, is specifically addressed to Monaco's residents, commuters and frontaliers who can use it in the English, French and Italian versions. A series of useful information are provided on a daily basis. News about how to properly separate waste collection or how to best use public transports and other local services, traffic bulletin, various environmental data are integral part of the info hub as well as the promotion of the events and places to visit. The core idea is then to increase the interaction between citizens and the institutions. Your Monaco's dashboard and alerts can be personalised by the user according to one's need. That is considered, then, as a new milestone in the development of the Monegasque smart city.

>> To download the App please click here:
App Store: Your Monaco
Google Play: Your Monaco
Download: Your Monaco App

What makes a city 'smart' ?
As a matter of fact, an increased number of people are living in big urban areas. The United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs foresees that 68% of the global population will move to big cities from rural areas by 2050, with special regard to Asia and Africa. Thus, environmentally friendly solutions to make tomorrow's urban infrastructures and services more efficient and accessible are increasingly welcomed. That is tightly linked to quality of life and the improvement of cities' ecological footprints in the footstep of UN Sustainable Development Goals. A sole definition of what makes a given urban agglomeration 'smart' does not exist. However, some elements are essential to be able to talk about a 'smart city'. This necessarily goes through an adequate transport system with low environmental impact (smart mobility), a set of energy efficient buildings, smart health services as well as a user friendly way to allow citizens being informed and establishing a constructive dialogue with public administration addressed to influence proactively the decision-making process.
Another element characterising the 'smart' connotation is the flexibility in the use of digital technology. It definitely includes a wide use of the Internet of Things (IoT) and Web 3.0 as well as, more recently, the Metaverse to make the interlink among energy, people and date smoother. IoT refers to a series of objects which embody advanced software devices and sensors creating fully-Internet-connected tangible elements able to react to human beings movements, with the additional support of cloud services and the artificial intelligence (AI). Web 3.0 relates to the evolution of the use of the web and the interaction with many possible innovative paths. Metaverse is used to describe a future version of Internet where virtual and shared spaces are accessed via extremely advanced applications of augmented reality capable to reproduce sensory reactions in a virtual world. ***
Discover MONACŒCOART® for Business:

By Maurice Abbati
Springer International Publishing
