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The Youth Social & Environmental Economic Council launches its eco-ideas for the future of Monaco.

Acting as a link between education and the world of work is fundamental in the new Labour market. It also contributes to encourage a more engaged civil society starting from the younger generations. The Conseil Économique, Social et Environnemental (CESE) des Jeunes (Youth Economic, Social and Environmental Council - EESC) is a paragovernmental body set up in Monaco to empower young people in key issues of sustainability. Dialogue, listening and mutual respect have been the pillars of all voluntary initiatives since its establishment in November 2007.

On May the 10th 2023, a significant closing session of the 16th edition of the annual set of meetings took place in the presence of H.E. Pierre Dartout, Minister of State, playing the role of Patron and Honorary President of this Season, started in October 2022. The rendezvous was also attended by Caroline Rougaignon-Vernin, President of EESC, and Isabelle Bonnal, Commissioner-General for National Education, Youth and Sport.

Photo >> The final session of the 16th Youth Economic, Social and Environmental Council - EESC © Gouvernement Princier

This year, a group of students from Lycée Albert 1er, the Lycée François d'Assise Nicolas Barré and the Lycée Technique et Hôtelier de Monaco have worked closely with experts to conceive four drafts regarding sustainability development projects in the Principality.

In particular, attention as been placed on:

Project No. 2023-64 > about the establishment of an electric taxi-scooters service in the Principality of Monaco (Lycée Albert 1er),

Project No. 2023-65 > aimed at a better integration of deaf people in the Principality of Monaco (LTHM),

Project no. 2023-66 > about the installation of geothermal panels in the Principality of Monaco (Lycée Albert 1er),

Project No. 2023-67 > about cyclists safety in Monaco (FANB).

The Minister of State congratulated the young participants involved for their outcome by addressing particularly significant issues. ***


By Maurice Abbati

Springer International Publishing

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