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Space Tech at the service of ocean preservation highlighted by the Ocean Space Forum.

Updated: Jul 11

Can space technologies serve the cause of the oceans? Absolutely yes. This feedback comes from the second edition of the Ocean Space Forum - OSF held in at the Monaco Oceanographic Museum on the 2nd July 2024 by the will of the Bureau des Affaires Spatiales du Gouvernement Princier (The Office of Space Affairs of the Prince’s Government) in partnership with the  Centre National d’Etudes Spatiales français - CNES and Prométhée Earth Intelligence, the first French Newspace operator of Earth observation nano-satellite constellation with the aim to make the use of satellite imagery user friendly, safer and more sustainable.

The event set itself the goal of debating on the latest trends of space technologies and satellite observation data for the ocean preservation and the marine sustainable management. In particular, the main mission was to prepare the ground in the perspective of the Conférence des Nations Unies sur l’Océan - UNOC (UN Ocean Conference), that will be carried out next year in Nice. Scientific researchers, ecomic and political leaders, governmental decision makers, institutions and other international bodies, have joined forces  under the motto "Road to UNOC" to make shared decisions.

Photo >> Keynote speech by H.S.H. Prince Albert II of Monaco within the 2nd edition of the Ocean Space Forum (Oceanographic Museum, 2nd July 2024) © Direction de la Communication – Manuel Vitali

H.S.H. Prince Albert II of Monaco praised this one-day commitment that helped to to increase knowledge of the unknown part of our oceans (we have mapped about 20% of the global seabed): « The program of the day shows how valuable spatial data can be to the health and sustainability of the ocean. The development of space technologies allows us to better understand our ocean on a global scale, in real time (...). The collected data have never been so advanced, accurate and available, and they deserve to be fully used to achieve our ambitious environmental goals (...). I am convinced that space has much to offer in response to the challenges of this particularly important multilateral event ».

The benefits coming from the close collaboration between High Technology and the Scientific World were also highlighted in the speeches of Isabelle Berro-Amadeï, Government Advisor-Minister of External Relations and Cooperation, and Frédéric Genta, Interministerial Delegate for Attractiveness and Digital Transition who made reference to the Sustainable Development Goals.

Jean-Marc Astorg, Director of Strategy at CNES, reaffirmed the pivotal role played by these devices in keeping live marine ecosystems, as the fundamental elements of the biosphere. The public-private partnerships with the involvement of the civil society are essential to find new sustainable solutions at the local, national and global level, as underlined by Olivier Piepsz and Giao-Minh Nguyen, President and Co-Founder and Director of Strategy & Innovation at Prométhée Earth Intelligence.

Some key topics have been addressed in the various round tables within the Ocean Space Forum, notably:

  • The conservation of marine ecosystems = based on the latest technological trends, satellite #data can monitor the #health of #coral reefs, #mangroves and salt marshes, which play a vital role in #carbon capture while promoting #habitat protection and conservation.

  • The development of the Blue Economy = the integration of #space #technologies in the management of #marine #resources fosters a more sustainable #economic growth, including the monitoring of fishing areas, the fair management of marine resources and the improvement of maritime #safety.

  • The fight against climate change and its effects on the ocean = space technologies #data collection provides unprecedented details as for sea #level, ocean #temperature and marine #currents in order to better understand the effects of #climate #change and develop due #adaptation strategies for coastal cities and vulnerable ecosystems.

  • The conservation of marine resources = thanks to the satellite #monitoring we can detect and prevent outlawed activities, such as #illegal #fishing that threatens marine biodiversity, in the footsteps of a closer collaboration with international #organizations and local #agencies.

  • International collaboration = organisations and representatives from different countries shared their #experiences and best #practices showcasing the ability of space innovations to encourage global #environmental protection, including th Small Island Developing States - SIDS.

  • Towards the United Nations Ocean Conference (UNOC) = the #debate was designed in view of the third Conference of UNOC that will be co-chaired by both the French and Costa Rican Governments, bringing together in Nice, from the 9th to 14th June 2025, more than 200 Heads of #State and #Government to find out how to best develop Goal 14 #SDGs which aims at keeping a fully #sustainable #use of the oceans, seas and marine resources. ***

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By Maurice Abbati

Journalist; Editor; Communication, Media and Public Relations Specialist

Lecturer and Author in English language of Technical Articles and the Manual: "Communicating the Environment to Save the Planet, a Journey into Eco-Communication" by Springer International Publishing.

Cover page of PhD manual by Maurice Abbati


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