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Monaco unveils the first water-recycling car wash at the Heliport Parking.

By the strong will of the Sovereign Prince, the Principality of Monaco has been pursuing a strong policy in favour of Sustainable Development policies, at national and international level, through relevant actions involving key issues like Biodiversity, Resource Management and Greenhouse Gas Reduction in order to achive the whole-country carbon neutrality by 2050. Rationalisation and reduction of water urban consumption is considered as a prior challenge to be achieved via a public and private sector collaboration. In fact, smart consumption minimise ecosystems stress giving a longer life to existing natural reserves and sewage treatment plants.

The Gouvernement Princier (Prince's Government) is being renovating car washes in Monaco's public parking areas, as part of the national water management policy. The Parking of the Heliport has recently been equipped with a new water recycling system.

This innovative on-site device allows a closed loop operation considering that water can be reused indefinitely. This system brings benefits as for a more rational use of drinking water without use of any enzyme. The water used for car washing is stored in air tanks for decantation, remaining in a biological reactor capable to activate a fine filtration and disinfection process before being reused. Thus, the car wash station will be able to serve users throughout the year, included during the drought warning periods (according to item 4 of the Ministerial Order n° 2023-255 - 4th May 2023).

In the near future, further installations will be inaugurated at the Wurtemberg, La Colle and Salines parking areas. Concrete actions to reduce Monegasque citizens' footprint are progressing on Monaco's territory. ***

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By Maurice Abbati

Journalist; Editor; Communication, Media and Public Relations Specialist

Lecturer and Author in English language of Technical Articles and the Manual: "Communicating the Environment to Save the Planet, a Journey into Eco-Communication" by Springer International Publishing.

Cover page of PhD manual by Maurice Abbati


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