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Monaco Government, SEPM and Yacht Club de Monaco pursue wildlife corridors.

The attention to the protection of the marine environment is in the DNA of the Principality of Monaco, home to well-known international research institutes and agreements, notably the Institut Océanographique de Monaco (Monaco Oceanographic Institute) and the Musée Océanographique (Oceanographic Museum) as well as RAMOGE and Pelagos Sanctuary. The 2023 Monaco Ocean Week and the 13th Blue Initiative, just announced, confirm the commitment to promote scientific research and the blue economy by the prior will of the Sovereign Prince and His Foundation. But Monaco's action to the Mediterranean preservation also passes through a more and more sustainable management of the harbour area and marina. Thanks to the synergy among the Direction des Affaires Maritimes - DAM (Department of Maritime Affairs), la Direction de l’Environnement - DE (Department of the Environment) et la Société d’Exploitation des Ports de Monaco - SEPM (Monaco Ports Operating Company), lasting since 2014, it was possible to install artificial underwater structures capable of recreating the natural habitats frequented by emblematic species. The 'Biohuts' play the ecological role of marine 'nurseries' at the service of the rocky and sandy seabed biodiversity. Designed by Ecocéan, a leading company in ocean restoration techniques, those advanced devices are able to protect the early life stage of major ocean predators, thereby increasing their chances of survival and contributing to the growth of adult populations.

Photo >> Installation of new 'Biohuts' in Port Hercules (February 2023) © Direction de la Communication / Manuel Vitali

These facilities are annually monitored to report about the evolution in the number of fishes, shells and invertebrates offering a set of useful data for marine biology and ethology. As for Monaco, BIOTOPE, heading a scientific monitoring every two years, recorded the presence of 416 fishes of 12 different species besides a marked biodiversity.

The Yacht Club de Monaco - YMC has recently joined the project as prior partner to invest in this blue action in order to create a real ecological corridor set in the iconic Port Hercule allowing the installation of further 24 nurseries in Monaco's most popular urban marina, benefiting of a natural bay between two protected marine areas.

In total, 79 nurseries will be installed in these days in Monaco marinas to cover the whole area between Port Hercules and Fontvieille. All this to compensate for the impact of human activities that continue to be particularly invasive in Monaco. ***


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By Maurice Abbati

Springer International Publishing

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