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Monaco continues its commitment to the preservation of the Alpine ecosystem.

Writer's picture: M AbtiM Abti

Updated: Feb 2

On the 22nd January 2025, the 18th Alpine Convention Ministerial Conference was held in Brdo (Slovenia) to debate about the quality of life in the Alps. Anne Eastwood, Ambassador of Monaco to Slovenia, participated in the Ministerial Conference in the presence of the other eight countries of the Alpine Region and the European Commission. The choice of theme was chosen on the basis of the 10th Report on the State of the Alps, recently designed through a unique methodological approach, favouring a deepen knowledge of the state of the art of living standards with some recommendations to policy makers.

Since 1994, Monaco has been part of the Alpine Convention, an international treaty launched in Salzburg on the 7th November 1991, in the footsteps of the International Commission for the Protection of the Alps (CIPRA) dating 1958. Austria, France, Germany, Italy, Liechtenstein, Switzerland and the then European Economic Community (EEC), were the first signatories of the act aimed at protecting the Alps. This Agreement provides a legal basis for For the preservation of the emblematic biodiversity of the Alpine region while acting to keep cultural identities and traditions alive. At the same time, it allows member States to tackle urgent and key issues in the field of biological diversity, climate change, energy, forests, green economy, mountain farming, risks of the natural world, local communities and culture, quality of life, land-use planning, transports, tourism and water management.

Photo >> The Monegasque delegation, made of:  Anne Eastwood (in the middle), Ambassador of Monaco to the Republic of Slovenia;  Astrid Claudel (right side), Section Head at the Environment Directorate; Wilfrid Deri (left side), Department of External Relations and Cooperation (Brdo - Slovenia (22nd January 2025) © Direction de la Communication - Gouvernement Princier
Photo >> The Monegasque delegation, made of: Anne Eastwood (in the middle), Ambassador of Monaco to the Republic of Slovenia; Astrid Claudel (right side), Section Head at the Environment Directorate; Wilfrid Deri (left side), Department of External Relations and Cooperation (Brdo - Slovenia (22nd January 2025) © Direction de la Communication - Gouvernement Princier

The national delegations addressed their attention on a further topic considered as strategic to raise awareness on the importance to act responsibly: the climate change education. The Alpine Conference stressed the need for adopting a more flexible regulatory framework to foster a genuine involvement of new generations in learning projects. The Principality of Monaco is committed to plan extra-curricular educational activities in this regard, by the will of the Direction de l’Education Nationale, de la Jeunesse et des Sports (Directorate for National Education, Youth and Sport).

The Alpine Convention, in fact, aims at building up a common heritage shared by the various Alpine territories, regardless of state borders, thanks to transnational cooperation projects supported by countries, territorial administrations and local authorities, with the direct participation of the scientific community, the private sector and civil society.

The participants therefore reaffirmed the importance of making the Alpine Territories more resilient, In particular, through a cross-border natural risk management in order to encourage a a way of living increasingly compatible with the rhythm of nature, with special regard to eco-tourism, energy efficiency and water resource management.

The 10th Report Recommendations are based on the same premises, wishing the direct involvement of policy makers in implementing periodic data reviews and reporting to identify current and future challenges. Restoring urban and rural greeneries, carrying on biodiversity conservation, applying climate mitigation initiatives and providing adequate sustainable mobility and connectivity infrastructures, to ensure high quality conditions as for people, planet and economy, are some of the targets to be reached.

The debate on creating a single legacy for the entire Alpine area will continue within the incoming Italian presidency of the Alpine Convention, in the ongoing ministerial mandate 2025-2026. ***

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By Maurice Abbati

Cover page of PhD manual by Maurice Abbati
Cover page of PhD manual by Maurice Abbati


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