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Innovation Award by ANGI was given to DWorld for pioneering high-tech.

Updated: Aug 24, 2024

Sustainablity is more and more at the base of the business sector while including social responsibility and ethical governance practices is a fast-growing trend in corporate dimension. Thus, eco responsible innovation is a cornerstone of ecological transition. The Italian Associazione Nazionale Giovani Innovatori - ANGI (Young Innovators National Association is a top national non-profit asociation totally focused on enhancing the innovative side, in every single detail. Their commitment materializes in an annual award, the Premio Nazionale ANGI - Oscar dell'Innovazione (ANGI National Award - Oscar of Innovation) that was awarded on the 6th December 2023 at the historical Vibia Sabina and Adriano Temple Hall within the Camera di Commercio (Chamber of Commerce) in Rome, in the presence of distinguished institutional guests, including Gilberto Pichetto Fratin, Minister for the Environment and Energy Security, and Gabriele Ferrieri, President of ANGI.

Promoting social excellence, scientific and technological research, training and culture, youth entrepreneurship and digital innovation is the main mission of the initiative, with the support of the Presidency of the Italian Council of Ministers, the European Parliament, the European Commission and the valuable contribution of important representatives of civil society and the leading class. The Monaco-based high-tech company DWorld, an innovative Virtual Economy conceiver aimed at creating a more sustainable world through the Metaverse, was given a special aknowlegment in the section Artificial Intelligent and Virtual Reality - AI & VR.

Photo >> Manila Di Giovanni, CEO and founder of DWorld been awarded the Oscar dell'Innovazione by Diana Battaggia, Head of UNIDO ITPO Italy (Rome, 6th December 2023) © DWorld

The prize, awarded to Manila Di Giovanni, CEO and Founder of DWorld, by the President of ANGI and Diana Battaggia, Head of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization - Investment and Technology Promotion Office Italy, intended to enhance the pioneering potential of DWorld in the field of virtual cities.

Manila Di Giovanni, CEO and Founder of DWorld, pointed out: « My team and I are extremely honoured to receive this recognition. I would like to imagine what tomorrow’s world will be like, so my goal is to recreate digital cities based on real urban areas, but in a smarter, more sustainable way to inspire positive changes in future development. This award fuels our passion to continue pushing the boundaries of what is possible and drive meaningful advances in technology ».

Photo >> Group photo of the winners of this edition of the Oscar dell'Innovazione by ANGI (Rome, 6th December 2023) © DWorld

The choice to reward DWorld appears particularly significant since it puts on the spotlight its commitment to encourage a positive change in contemporary society and econmy through high technology solutions in close partnership with public adminisrations to move towards a real sustainable progress. Twin cities of the Principality of Monaco, La Valletta (Malta) and part of Philippines by DWorld are witnessing the concrete committment to create constructive change in line with the sustainable ecosystem.

Innovation can defiitely act as a prior driving force to promote culture, training and new technologies while boosting fruitful sinergies among individuals, schools, universities, companies, national and international professional and institutional associations. ***

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By Maurice Abbati

 Journalist; Editor; Communication, Media and Public Relations Specialist.
Lecturer and Author in English language of Technical Articles and the Manual: "Communicating the Environment to Save the Planet, a Journey into Eco-Communication" by Springer International Publishing.

Cover page of PhD manual by Maurice Abbati

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