The Mediterranean Sea includes some of the most emblematic ecosystems in the northern hemisphere. The Mediterranean coastal wetlands are precious hubs of biodiversity as well as marine protected areas in the open sea. The Pelagos Sanctuary has been classified as Specially Protected Areas of Mediterranean Importance - SPAMI for its relevance in keeping marine biodiversity, with special regard to cetaceans which gather in the Northern part, among France, Monaco, Liguria, Corsica, Sardinia and the Tuscan Archipelago. But this ranking is subject to periodic review.
On Tuesday the 14th January 2025, a technical meeting was held at the Monegasque headquarters of the Pelagos Secretariat in the presence of the Technical Advisory Commission with the aim to renew SPAMI status, following the previous revision in 2019. The outcome of this periodic review will be presented at the 17th SPA/BD Thematic Focal Point meeting in May 2025, in the footsteps of the Barcelona Convention (Convention for the Protection of the Mediterranean Sea Against Pollution), entered into force in 1978 to encourage the sustainable management of marine resources.

The next step will be carried out at the Barcelona Convention COP24, which will be held in December 2025 in Egypt. At that stage, the Technical Advisory Commission will provide the final feedback to give the green light to the renewal of the SPAMI status, as for the Pelagos Sanctuary.
The Protocol regarding Specially Protected Areas and Biological Diversity in the Mediterranean Sea (SPA/BD Protocol) allowed the Contracting Partners of the Barcelona Convention to establish the List of Specially Protected Areas of Mediterranean Importance, the SPAMI's List, in order to encourage the cross-country cooperation in the filed of natural heritage conservation, biodiversity and habitat preservation. Classifying endangered species, actions to protect biological diversity and areas considered as emblematic from the scientific, aesthetic, cultural and educational point of view are some of the pillars of SPAMI's mission.
The Pelagos Sanctuary is one of the largest areas within the SPAMI's List, covering about 9o,000 km2, and the only international marine protected area fully devoted to the protection of marine mammals in the Mediterranean Basin. In 2001, it was therefore acknowledged as a Barcelona Convention Specially Protected Area of Mediterranean Importance and its status is renewed every six years. ***
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By Maurice Abbati
Journalist; Editor; Communication, Media and Public Relations Specialist
Lecturer and Author in English language of Technical Articles and the Manual: "Communicating the Environment to Save the Planet, a Journey into Eco-Communication"Â by Springer International Publishing.
