On the 14th December 2022, the Metropole de Nice (Metropolitan City of Nice) conceived a High Local Council for Climate, acting as a local 'IPCC' (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change), made of sixteen volunteering members among leading experts in the region. Dr. Nathalie Hilmi, Doctor in Economics, specialising in Macroeconomics and International Finance, and member of the Centre Scientifique de Monaco (Monaco Scientific Centre) for Environmental Economics, will join the team.
This new technical panel will play a strategic role in establishing climate adaptation initiatives regarding Nice region. Christian Estrosi, Mayor of Nice, declared: « Giving the broad guidelines that will lead public action on the ecological and energy transition is pivotal. We need unquestionable experts to strengthen our scientific knowledge (...) to amplify, correct, change. A local version of the High Council for Government Climate ».
Each technical member will bring its high-level knowledge allowing to advise policy makers in finding the best solutions for the whole territory. In forecast there is also the formation of the Convention Citoyenne locale pour le climat (Local City Committee for the climate) and a specific training course to form future territorial civil servants through the École du Climate (Climate School).
The High Local Council for Climate is currently being formed to be convened at least twice a year. ***
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