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Monaco is ready to celebrate the bees party during the APIdays.

Updated: Jul 31

Bees play a strategic role in the environmental ecosystem being in charge of the pollination process on which depends biodiversity and about 76% of what we (Human Beings) eat. To develop the annual celebration on the theme L'Abeille, Sentinelle de l'Environnement (National Bee days, Sentinel of the Environment) supported by APIdays, the Principality of Monaco acts for the cause with a series of initiatives open to all, confirming its engagement made in 2011. Since then, Monaco has been carrying on a series of concrete actions to enhance the importance of this insect capable of creating particularly structured colonies, in partnership with the Union Nationale de l’Apiculture Française - UNAF (National Union of French Beekeeping).

Photo >> A bee a bee collecting pollen from a flower contributing to pollination © MonacoEcoArt & Wix

On Friday the 14th June and on Saturday the 15 June from 9:00 am to 4:00 p.m. special entertainment shows for children and adults will be offered at the UNESCO Garden on the Fontvieille Terraces by the Direction de l'Aménagement Urbain (Prince's Government Urban Planning Department).

A set of topical workshops to deepen the knowledge of honey and bees will be offre to the passersby, including: how to extract honey, how to produce candles in natural wax, exploring the structure of a hive and further educational games and photo exhibitions.

Monaco is a bee friendly country bees hives have been installed in different locations including on the top roof of the Museum of Stamps and Coins in Fontvieille, besides the UNESCO garden. These hives are digitally monitored and make it possible to measure human impacts on monegasque urban environment providing precious data on valuable the biological cycle.

APIdays aims at raising awareness on the pivotal contribution of bees in keeping favourable living conditions on our Planet's biosphere.

As reported in several scientific research studies, bees, and other pollinators, are facing an increasing number of threats resulting from the use of pesticides, monoculture, climate change or the invasion of exotic species like the Asian hornet, encourged by global trade. Each of us can contribute to spreading good practices that ensure an economic and social ecosystem fully respectful of natural cycles. ***

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By Maurice Abbati

Journalist; Editor; Communication, Media and Public Relations Specialist.

Lecturer and Author in English language of Technical Articles and the Manual: "Communicating the Environment to Save the Planet, a Journey into Eco-Communication" by Springer International Publishing.

Cover page of PhD manual by Maurice Abbati


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