Sport management is increasingly committed to the environmental cause. And it develops through effective eco actions, awareness campaigns and circular economy approaches in order to allow international sport institutions and organisations following the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). In June 2023, the Fédération Monégasque d’Athlétisme - FMA (Monegasque Athletics Federation) has started an important path in the direction of energy efficiency. In fact, it joined the the Mission pour la Transition Énergétique Monégasque (Monaco's Energy Transition Mission) charter of intents. The body was born by the will of Monaco's Government to act as energy transition driver and financial partner addressed to the public and private sector operating in the Principality of Monaco, with special regard to Mobility, Waste and Construction sectors.
The 2023 Meeting Hercules EBS, as part of the Wanda Diamond League, delivered the first carbon footprint assessment of the major sport challenge, flagship athletics event that takes place every year in July at the Louis II Stadium under the high patronage of H.S.H. Prince Albert II of Monaco as President of the Monaco's Athletics Federation.

Jean-Pierre Schoebel, former Olympic athlete and Director of the Meeting Herculis EBS highlited: « Assessing the carbon footprint of our Meeting Hercules EBS enables us to understand how to minimise our environmental impact. In this way, the FMA is fulfilling its responsibility to protect the environment ».
The final report by Gienov, a Monegasque company grounded in the field of digital, environmental or energy transition, was published in March 2024 providing useful insights to improve the energy performance of the next editions.
In particular, it is interesting to note the following:
88.5% of emissions are linked to the audience and the transport of the athletes;
the impact stems from materials for 9,4% and waste for only 0.3%.
Relevant waste reduction initiatives have already been implemented by reducing the distribution of single-use plastic, with nearly 27 kg of plastic avoided also thanks to the installation of water fountains for athletes, instead of bottled drinks. A further implementation of a more sustainable mobility plan and the completion of ISO 20121 certification on the sustainable management of events are oh the top list to be implemented in the near future.
Thus, the Monegasque Athletics Federation reaffirms its engagement in boosting sustainability in sport management, while continuing to promote the highest values of sport in Monaco and in its international network. ***
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By Maurice Abbati
Journalist; Editor; Communication, Media and Public Relations Specialist.
Lecturer and Author in English language of Technical Articles and the Manual: "Communicating the Environment to Save the Planet, a Journey into Eco-Communication" by Springer International Publishing.
