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Biodiversity and Climate Crisis on the eco-friendly carpet of Nice Climate Summit.

Research and Innovation are proving to be a winning combination to offer concrete solutions towards a new social and economic sustainable approach. The Métropole of Nice Côte d’Azur, in partnership with La Tribune, is about to lead the first edition of the Nice Climate Summit, the first international urban event dedicated to biodiversity and climate mitigation. The two-day summit, held on the 28th and the 29th September 2023 at Palais de la Méditerranée, will gather international experts, researchers, decision makers and committed citizens, from different backgrounds to debate about pivotal issues linked to climate change and biodiversity preservation.

The meeting anticipates the involvement of Nice as a prior stage for international meetings the 3rd edition of the United Nations Conference on the Oceans in June 2025 on behalf of France and Costa Rica.

Photo >> Official poster of Nice Climate Summit by © Métropole of Nice Côte d’Azur

In view of this event, Christian Estrosi, Mayor of Nice, President of the Métropole Nice Côte d'Azur, Deputy President of the Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur Region, pointed out:

« Global warming is universal and we must act collectively to mitigate the climate change and adapt to its consequences. The best we can do is to provide concrete answers at local level, as close as possible to everyday life. As Mayor of a big city like Nice, and President of a coastal and mountain Metropolis, including urban and rural areas particularly exposed to extreme weather events, I am firmly committed to protect our initiatives and people.

We have taken our responsibilities, acting at all levels of the ecological transition in all possibile ways thus aiming at reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 55% by 2030 in order to achieve the carbon neutrality by 2050. (...) This Climate Summit will bring together all transition actors, public and private decision-makers, project and innovation leaders around an ambitious programming, with European and international scope, in order to bring out concrete solutions for the ecological transition ».

Some of the speakers to the Nice Climate Summit 🔽🔼 © Métropole of Nice Côte d’Azur

Jean-Christophe Tortora, President of La Tribune, highlighted: « La Tribune has been the leading business daily on environmental issues for more than 15 years with renowned specialist journalists. After organising the 5th anniversary of the Paris Agreements in 2020 and launching a major editorial initiative in the territories through the Zero Carbon forums, we were willing to develop in France an international event combining our editorial teams from the European and African continents. We decided to held the event in Nice, which is one of the most engaged cities in climate crisis ».

Some of the speakers to the Nice Climate Summit 🔽🔼 © Métropole of Nice Côte d’Azur

Sustainable finance and economy, fair supply of natural resources, community actions to face climate disasters, carbon sequestration, environmentally friendly high-technology, ecologic transition, decision makers initiatives, eco-mobility, organic agricultural production, forest and biodiversity preservation, maritime eco transition are some of the key issues that will be covered in various sessions.

The first edition of the Nice Climate Summit sets the ambitious goal to offer concrete solutions and feedbacks based on authoritative sources in the footstep of the UN Development Goals, the Paris Agreement targets and the recent conclusions of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES), prooving the close link between climate change and biodiversity depletion. ***

To know more about the event and download the detailed programme please visit: Nice Climate Summit


By Maurice Abbati

Springer International Publishing

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