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ACCOBAMS member states gathered in Malta to give more strength to ocean ecosystems.

Writer's picture: M AbtiM Abti

Updated: Dec 13, 2022

Cooperation is the key to achieve concrete solutions for nature preservation and the peaceful coexistence between human beings and other living beings. The Agreement on the Conservation of Cetaceans of the Black Sea, Mediterranean Sea and contiguous Atlantic area (ACCOBAMS) makes this principle a legally binding commitment for all countries that have made a specific commitment. Signed on November 24th, 1996 and entered into force on June 1st, 2001, this Intergovernmental Agreement is focused on providing a targeted framework to prevent and reduce risks involving cetaceans as well as raising awareness on their pivotal role for marine ecosystems.

Photo >> The 8th Meeting of the Parties adopted 23 resolutions, half of which came out of the recommendations of the ACCOBAMS Scientific Committee © DR

From the 29th November until the 2nd December 2022, the 8th Meeting of Countries Parties to the Agreement was held in St. Julians (Malta). Within the summit, the 24 ACCOBAMS members committed themselves to fight in favor of the conservation of

the marine areas subject to the treaty. The location was elected after moving the Presidency Turkey to Malta. On that occasion, ACCOBAMS gave life to a new Bureau composed of 5 countries: Malta (Presidency), Bulgaria, Lebanon, Montenegro and Portugal that will stay in place from 2023 to 2025.

An ambitious work programme will be put in place over the next three years with special regard to cetacean conservation measures aimed to improve actions to reduce threats to cetaceans like underwater noise, cetaceans catching in fishing gear, collisions with vessels, beachings, etc. The forum reaffirmed the ongoing cetacean monitoring campaigns considered as priority for future ACCOBAMS developments that allows to draft an unprecedented international survey of dolphins and whales in the areas of interest.

ACCOBAMS international summit in Malta (29th November - 2nd December 2022) © DR

Countries adopted a communication strategy as a central information and awareness-raising tool. This device will gradually become essential in knowing more about ACCOBAMS role and foster various audiences new actions by various.

The 8th Meeting of Countries Parties adopted 23 resolutions, mainly inspired by recommendations provided by the ACCOBAMS Scientific Committee. Malta's summit represented an operational step to help pushing the Strategy progress. ***

To know more about ACCOBAMS please visit:


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